Make Plans to Attend DTS Software's SHARE Orlando Presentations featuring Jerry Spencer, Steve Pryor and Tom Williamson
If you're attending SHARE Orlando, check out the three technical sessions hosted by DTS Software. The presentations will be available on demand to conference registrants unable to attend the live sessions.
Also, be sure to stop by our booth (#208) to visit with z/OS storage management experts. Steve, Jerry and Tom will be available in the booth to answer your storage management questions. DTS is participating in Passport to Prizes and has some other surprises, including the latest version of one of our most requested resources - the DTS Software z/OS Pocket Reference Guide!
There's still time to register for the conference. If you're unable to attend, don't worry! We have a fantastic alternative for you – explore our on-demand webinars, where you can access presentations covering similar topics at your convenience.
Customizing z/OSMF Using Plugins
z/OSMF plugins is a feature that allows you to add functionality to z/OSMF. They even have sample plugins. In this session I will demonstrate how to install one of IBM's sample plugins as well as peel back some of the layers of the onion to show how you can take advantage of this feature.
When: Tuesday, March 5 | 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM
Where: Rosen Centre Hotel, Orlando, Florida
Tracks: z/OS Systems Programming
Speaker: Jerry Spencer, Mainframe System Engineer
Audience Level: Intermediate
Shining Some Light on the Clouds -
An ISV's Journey to IBM's Cloud Data Access
The Cloud Data Access (CDA) component of DFSMSdfp provides a REST-based method that allows z/OS data to reside securely in the cloud. Using the APIs provided, data can be written and retrieved from the cloud directly to and from z/OS, allowing installations the flexibility to put not just archive data, but any sort of data in the cloud. In this session, we'll give a ground-level view of our journey to using CDA to create facilities that allow datasets to reside in the cloud without requiring any changes to JCL or FTP. We'll discuss the tweaks we found necessary for different cloud vendors, and take a look at the issues organizations should consider as they assess their readiness for a cloud-based world.
When: Wednesday, March 6 | 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM
Where: Rosen Centre Hotel, Orlando, Florida
Tracks: Storage Management, z/OS Systems Programming, Hybrid Cloud, API's
Speaker: Tom Williamson, DTS Co-Founder/Developer, Steve Pryor, CTO
Audience Level: Intermediate
Sneaky and Devious ISPF Edit Tips
While the Edit function of ISPF is universally used, many users don't take advantage of some of the more esoteric capabilities it offers. This session will delve into some of these capabilities and show how they can be used to improve performance and get the Edit function itself to do a lot of the heavy lifting.
When: Thursday, March 7 | 9:15 AM - 10:15 AM
Where: Rosen Centre Hotel, Orlando, Florida
Tracks: z/OS Systems Programming, DevOps, Professional Skills
Speaker: Jerry Spencer, Mainframe System Engineer
Audience Level: Intermediate
About Our Presenters
Steve Pryor, CTO at DTS Software, has a more than 30-year background in storage management, design, and support, and frequently speaks at industry events. Prior to joining DTS in the early 2000s, Steve made important contributions at several mainframe software vendors, designing and implementing major products and components.
Jerry Spencer, Mainframe System Engineer at DTS Software, has over 40 years in software development, with skills in IBM Mainframe, Databases, IBM Db2, SaaS, and Unix. Prior to joining DTS in 2019, Jerry spent over 20 years as a lead product developer in the mainframe space.
Tom Williamson, Software Developer, co-founder of DTS Software, is an accomplished technology innovator and is passionate about developing forward-thinking technology and market leading products for the mainframe systems software sector that provide solutions to new technological challenges.