Rexx - Introducing My New Friend

Join us Tuesday, September 24, at 11:00 AM ET for our complimentary educational webinar "Rexx - Introducing My New Friend".

Navigating the complexities of z/OS and z/VM often requires a diverse toolbox, but sometimes the ideal tool is not readily or affordably accessible. This led me to step outside my comfort zone and dive into a new language—Rexx. Initially hesitant, I soon discovered that Rexx is more than just another programming language; it's now my new friend.


In this session, we'll explore:

  • A brief history of computer languages and their evolution.
  • The diverse tasks of system programmers and developers in z/OS and z/VM environments.
  • How to integrate Rexx into your existing workflows.
  • An overview of the Rexx language—its syntax, structure, and capabilities.
  • Practical examples of Rexx in action, showcasing how it can streamline and enhance your daily tasks.
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About Our Presenter:

Steve Wong has a more than 30-year background in IBM Mainframe development. Steve has a diverse technical history working in Disaster Recovery, Security and Database systems. He joined DTS Software after contributing as a senior developer on major storage management products.