Webinar Topic: Understanding IDCAMS

dts-MAR22-webinar-200X200-NO-BUTTONIn our March 2022 webinar, DTS CTO Steve Pryor presented "Understanding IDCAMS."
Newcomers to the mainframe world are often at a loss as to how to go about tasks requiring the manipulation of z/OS® datasets - creating, reading, writing, using, and deleting them, especially where 'exotic' structures such as VSAM clusters, catalogs, and PDS/PDSEs are involved.

In z/OS, probably the most common utility for dealing with many datasets and with the system catalog is Access Method Services - IDCAMS. An understanding of IDCAMS and its extraordinarily wide range of functions and features is an absolute necessity for mainframe analysts, whether for applications programmers or system gurus.

Here's What You'll Learn:

  • What IDCAMS is used for 
  • The most important and useful features and controls
  • Best practices to get information and transform data

Simply fill out the form to view the webinar and/or download a PDF of the presentation.