How to Read a z/OS Assembler Listing
Like all other operating systems, z/OS® executes instructions based on the underlying hardware. While modern tools and languages make it easy to design and create complex applications and systems, they also add layers of abstraction between the program and the machine on which it’s executing. It’s often assembler-language code that is called upon for the most critical low-level or sensitive system functions. Performance, reliability, and other considerations may dictate the use of assembler code, and both z/OS components and many ISV products make extensive use of assembler routines and macroinstructions.
An understanding of how assembler code works, its conventions, when it’s needed (often required to invoke system functions and for product exit routines), and how an assembler listing can be used is an important skill for z/OS application and system programmers alike.
Here's What We'll Cover:
- What a typical assembler listing looks like
- What its most important features are
- How to use it for insights into the debugging process
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